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2024-9-19~22 ISTU 2024 (The 2024 Annual Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound)



About Us

Taiwan Association of Interventional & Therapeutic Ultrasound (TAITU)

Founded on Dec. 13, 2015

The main tasks of the Association are as follows.

  1. Organize academic seminars on a regular basis.
  2. To assist in the exchange of experience, cooperation, and continuing education among members.
  3. To enhance the clinical development of interventional and therapeutic ultrasound.
  4. To promote contact and collaboration with international therapeutic ultrasound societies
  5. Introduction, research and development of interventional & therapeutic ultrasound related technology.
  6. Other matters related to the purposes and tasks set forth in the bylaws.

Collaborated with Japan and Korea Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound (JSTU & KSTU)



Become a Member

Welcome to join TAITU!

How to become a member?

For domestic applicants, please fill in the online application form ( ; for foreigners, please contact us directly by email (Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它).